to know your love

the sound of waves | the smell of rain | the rapid sky | the rising light
a blade of grass | a grain of sand | a pebbled shore | a far-off horn

| the lake at dawn |

the taste of bread | a bed of wood | a winding stair | a broken bone
a cry of pain | a falling face | a shard of glass | a whispered name

| the voice of mom |

to hold a cat | to help a dog | to touch the earth | to throw a stone
to find a path | to laugh at dawn | to share a life | to know your love

| to know your love |

– Thomas LaVoy

**Note: all poems are best viewed on desktop, laptop or tablet to preserve intended line breaks**

This text consists of a set of memory fragments from childhood written to accompany the music of to know your love, a work for choir and electronics commissioned by James Jordan and Westminster Williamson Voices.

This poem is not available for use by composers. To commission a new text for use in a musical score, or for any other occasion, please visit my poetry page.

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